Simple Carpet Cleaning Solutions Which Can Mix at Home
That's why it isn't surprising news at all, that many people would want to clean their carpets by themselves and coming up with carpet cleaning solutions to help them out. There are lots of different ingredients that most people can resort to come up with the best solution to their carpet. Aside from that, the ingredients to these cleaning solutions are often found on your kitchen or anywhere in your house. Here are some cleaning solutions you might want to test when cleaning your carpet:
This was considered among the best carpet cleaning solutions that you can come up with. Mix 2 parts of baking powder and 1 portion of borax. Extract the spills using a vacuum by blotting it with dry towel, before you pour the mixture onto the stain. Once you've used the mixture to the stained area, blot it using clean towel and make sure that you avoid rubbing the stain. Remember that rubbing it may only result to additional problems, as the stain may spread when you rub it.
Mix 1 part of liquid fabric softener, 1 part of non-bleach laundry detergent (liquid) and six parts of water. Place the mixture in a plastic spray bottle and use it to spray the stain on your carpet. This can help you remove the stain and deodorize your carpet too.
Mix mint essential oil with soap flakes and add it into boiling water. Wait until you come up with a sudsy mixture. However, If you want more suds, simply add more snowflakes into the mixture. The soap can help you clean your carpet, whereas the mint oil can disinfect it.
Among the best carpet cleaning solutions for ink stains is to blot the stain using a towel. Make sure you avoid smearing the ink. When the ink has been blotted, sprinkle cream of tartar into the stain and then insert drops of lemon juice into it. Blot it carefully and lightly. If the stain is removed, do not forget to vacuum the rest of the cream of tartar on your carpet. Another best carpet cleaning solutions would be the use of isopropyl alcohol. Just spray a generous amount of it into the stain and use a clean towel to dab the stain and avoid smearing it.